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“ In these bodies we will live,

In these bodies we will die,

Where you invest your Love,

You invest your life…”
                               Mumford & Sons

I smelled like a sweaty little boy who’s been outdoors running around the neighborhood all day, playing hard.  I don’t mean to sound sexist here, but it seems to me that little boys have a different “playing” chemistry. I know because, even though I only have daughters, I remember my brothers coming inside after a robust day of romping when I was little.  No offence guys, but like, ew.

When I left the house in the relative cool of the morning I had decided to take the vehicle that had the broken A/C as opposed to the air-conditioned stick shift.  I knew there was probably going to be traffic jams, so hating to have my foot on and off the clutch I made a choice. Whoops.  That heat index into the 100s escaped my calculations.  I often seem to be plagued by Murphy’s Law.

As I was driving on I-95 stuck in traffic, my heart was racing in the blistering heat, my little car fan turned up to the max blowing out hot air from the abyss. I questioned if that was really helping, as it pretty much felt like I had the heat on full blast.  But I figured some air moving was probably better than the sense of suffocating.  Now I know what my convection oven does.

My left arm was in the blazing sun from the open window on that side and I could see I was going to get sunburned as I traveled for the next hour, or two or three, who knew? Construction.  Orange cones.  Lots of trucks merging in.  And FRIDAY!

Luck was with me, however, because I had just been to get a bone density scan and these lovely little shorts they had me wear I had decided to keep.  I had said to the technician, “You’re just going to throw these out, right?  Is it ok if I take them?” she agreed they’d definitely be thrown away in that trash basket right in front of me.  I couldn’t see her face from the other room, but she was probably feeling sorry for me and shaking her head, with a “what the?” look.  I pulled the little accordion door open to the waiting area to see several women sitting there waiting, who comically stared up at me having heard my request (it’s in a tiny trailer – everyone hears everything! Who knew the previously empty waiting room was now full since I had finished?).

Don’t ask me why. I’m sure there would have been no use for them at home. You know, the kind made out of that crunchy blue disposable fabric used in Medical facilities? We women are well acquainted with them from our many humiliating GYN appointments.  So now, faced with a one arm farmer’s tan and more age/ sun spots which I religiously try to avoid adding since I have enough already, with some quick thinking I did what any self-respecting middle-aged woman would do… I put the useless pair of shorts on my arm…

I’m sure I looked like a loser to everyone who was driving around me.  I don’t know which was worse for my ego – moving along or sitting still.  If we got going at a good clip my wild unkempt hair and big sleeve were billowing out the open window in 90- something degree heat.  If we were going slow or hardly at all they could see my actual face (I tried to look all casual and cool… “Like really, I love the heat~  I’m doing this by choice!”)   Every lane I struggled to move over into of course became the slowest lane. You know. (Where is that Murphy dude… If I ever find him, I’ll…!)

I pondered as I rolled along, on the overwhelm I had been feeling – of all the things I needed and wanted to get done, and I remembered this little episode was just that.  Very little.  So many are hurting – deeply.  So many are truly suffering, and there is a lot of pain, sickness and tragic loss, not to mention those in the world who are literally just trying to survive.

I was, just barely, above the gale force winds coming in my window (ok so I’m exaggerating) listening to a Mumford & Sons CD to wile away the hours and these lyrics were sung.

“ In these bodies we will live,

in these bodies we will die,

where you invest your Love,

you invest your life…”

Wow.  I think I always kind of thought of it the other way – where you invest your life you invest your love.  But really what we’re investing – or should be – is our love.  That should come first.  That should be our motivating factor for everything we do.

I then remembered this amazing song by Sara Groves, “Without Love I am Nothing”.  It is a wonderful inspiration, as well as a jolting wake up call… If you are feeling a little frustrated with life and the overwhelm I invite you to take a listen to this song and be reminded of what’s really important.  We may not have everything the way we want in life, look perfect, and be doing it all right, but it’s our motivation that counts the most.  Listen to this as you read the rest…

Sara Groves – Without Love – YouTube


‎Love.  Love for people~  love for my family, friends, and those I try to help…love for the God I serve and want to follow in His ways the best I can.  And simply the love for life. We have so much!  And I know it.  What is your motivating factor?

I walked into the house and plopped myself down on the cool couch and dumped my scattered armful of disheveled items down next to me, including my makeshift sleeve pants….  Those goofy little things had really turned into a shelter and a blessing to me.

Relieved and grateful, I said with a true recognition of my riches, and the love in my life: “Lord, thank you for keeping me safe on that treacherous Murphy’s road.”